Anti-Vaxers Protest In Coventry With Some Serious Claims!

Anti-Vaxers Protest In Coventry

Why vaccinate teens? Anti-Vaxers Protest In Coventry

Anti-Vaxers protest on one of Coventry’s busiest roads. More than 20 picket signs were on show yesterday evening, visible to hundreds of passers by and commuters during rush hour.

People driving by were encouraged to beep their horns in solidarity with what the protesters had to say. The big yellow signs were clearly visible from the other side of the duel carriageway on Hinckley Road, outside the Texaco garage.

Whilst we [Bedworth News] do not express our own views on this matter, it’s clear that people upset and are making some serious claims.

One women amongst the protestors claimed to be a whistle blower for the NHS and stated that she had seen first hand what they are hiding from the public. The lady went on to say that the vaccine is causing more adverse reactions that what we are being told by our Government and media outlets!

Hinckley Road, Coventry. Anti-Vaxers Protest

My Dad Died From Covid, But Boris Can Have A PartyOutrageous!”

The protest comes in light of the scandalous acknowledgment from Prime Minister, Boris Johnson that he did indeed attend what he thought to be a ‘work event’ during last years lockdown.

The signs held by the protestors read various claims that the Covid-19 Jabs and boosters supported by our Government and health care professionals should not be given to our children. They claim that there is insufficient data to support the vaccines are doing more good than harm.

Perhaps It is understandable that people are questioning the advice from the government, when certain MP’s and other government officials don’t adhere to rules they created to protect us.

Do you think that having the vaccine should be made mandatory?

Do you think that there is more data and research required before any more vaccines are administered, or do you think something else?

Let us know in the comments.

3 thoughts on “Anti-Vaxers Protest In Coventry With Some Serious Claims!

  1. Just to clarify, I’m not an anti-vaxer I’ve had a few vaccines myself!
    Some of us have even had the covid vaccine but were immediately poorly and had to go into hospital.
    What I’m “anti” is coercion, and I’m also very anti – vaccine passports which are an extremely dangerous concept.
    Something that cannot be tolerated by a civilised society is vaccinating children against something that causes negligible or zero harm, with a vaccine that, even according to official figures, risks terrible harm including deaths.

  2. 1.3 million jab injuries in the UK according to the governments own data called the “yellow card system”.

    Fair play to these brave people for trying to bring this to the attention of people of Coventry

  3. I am against mandatory vaccination – anything forced is”communism”.
    The jab is an “experimental gene therapy” – it is still in trial until 2023 – no-one knows the long-term effects of this jab. It is not “safe” – there have been thousands of deaths and over a million adverse effects have been recorded by the government’s own MHRA and these statistics are recorded on the government website
    These experimental jabs should never be administered to babies and children who are at the least risk of being seriously ill!

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